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Privilege+ Loyalty

Privilege+ is our exclusive loyalty program designed to reward our valued clients with a range of benefits tailored to enhance your tax experience and financial well-being. More power to you Queensland.

Privilege+ Loyalty
Free to Join
Instant Discounts
Monthly Giveaways
Bookkeeping.Solutions Discount

The Basics

How does Privilege + Work?

Every customer is automatically enrolled, for free, in our industry first Privilege+ Loyalty Rewards program. Membership includes discounts, exclusive partner offers and monthly giveaways. So what are you waiting for?


To maintain your membership tier, you must consecutively lodge an eligible tax return with ITP Queensland within the current financial year. Sadly, if you don’t come into ITP during the current tax year, you will be downgraded to the Silver tier, even if you complete those returns later.

Your first year
10% Discount on Bookkeeping.Solutions packages
Monthly Draw for $50 Valued Gift Card
Refund Maximiser GuaranteeATO Inquiry AssistYear Round Support
Year's 2-9
5% Discount on Individual Tax Preparation
10% Discount on Bookkeeping.Solutions packages
Monthly Draw for $100 Valued Gift Card
Refund Maximiser GuaranteeATO Inquiry AssistYear Round Support
10 or more years
10% Discount on Individual Tax Preparation
10% Discount on Bookkeeping.Solutions packages
Monthly Draw for $150 Valued Gift Card
Refund Maximiser GuaranteeATO Inquiry AssistYear Round Support

Privilege+ Explained

Watch our video to learn how our Industry first Loyalty Program, Privilege+ enhances your experience and rewards your loyalty. From tiers, special discounts, monthly giveaways and corporate offers, learn how we value your loyalty and power your tax - every year. Thanks Queensland!

Frequently Asked Questions

Find out more about Privilege Plus
Can I transfer my Privilege Plus membership?
No, Privilege Plus memberships cannot be transferred from a member to another person.
How does the tier structure work in the Privilege Plus Loyalty program?
The Privilege Plus Loyalty program has multiple tiers based on client loyalty and engagement with ITP Queensland. Clients move up tiers based on factors such as the number of consecutive years they have used our services.
What benefits do I get from being a Privilege Plus member?
The rewards are based of the level of membership and consecutive tenure with ITP Queensland. However, benefits may include:• Discounts on eligible tax returns• Monthly prize giveaways• Bookkeeping Solutions discounts• Exclusive events• Partner promotions and discounts• Monthly Newsletter
How often are tier advancements reviewed in the Privilege Plus Loyalty program?
Tier advancements in the Privilege Plus Loyalty program are typically reviewed annually or periodically to ensure they reflect the current level of client engagement and loyalty. Any updates or changes to tier criteria will be communicated to members in advance.
Are there different levels of Privilege Plus membership?
Yes, our levels of membership are below:• First time customer to ITP QLD – Silver member• Two – nine-year consecutive customer to ITP QLD – Gold member• 10+ year consecutive customer to ITP Queensland – Platinum member
How do I register to become a Privilege Plus member, and does it cost anything?
Complete & lodge a tax return at any participating ITP Qld office or Kiosk and we will automatically add you to our loyalty program, there is no cost involved.
What are the terms for Privilege Plus?
ITP loyalty was introduced on the 1st of July 2021. Therefore, an eligible tax return must be started on or after the 1st July 2021 but before 30th June 2022, for the member to be entitled to receive the Loyalty discount and membership.To maintain loyalty status the member must consecutively lodge an eligible tax return with ITPQLD within the current financial year. As in, not starting a tax return one year and starting two the following, does not constitute the member maintaining their loyalty level.If a tax return is voided or marked as no pending action the member will not maintain their current loyalty status.Loyalty is not valid with any other offer or promotion except $0 up front. If member choses an alternative offer, loyalty discounts will not apply. However, they will maintain their loyalty status.Not valid for:• Amendments• BAS• Company Tax returns• Trust tax returns• Partnership tax returns• Bookkeeping Solutions ClientsEligible tax return must be lodged at a participating ITPQLD office or kiosk.
Is Loyalty offered at all ITP stores across Australia?
No, the loyalty program is valid only at ITPQLD and participating stores as below: Ashmore, Logan Hyperdome (Mall), Australia Fair (Mall), Loganholme, Beenleigh, Mackay, Beenleigh (Mall), Marsden, Big Top, Mt Gravatt (Mall), Birtinya (Mall), Mt Ommaney Sh.Ctre (Mall), Booval Sh.Ctre (Mall), Mt Pleasant, Boyne Plaza (Mall), Mt Pleasant (Mall), Brisbane City, North Ipswich (Riverlink), Brookside, North Lakes, Bundaberg, North Lakes (Mall), Burleigh (Mall), Pimpama City (Mall), Cairns City, Red Hill, Capalaba, Redbank Plaza, Carindale (Mall), Rockhampton, Castletown (Mall), Sarina (Seasonal), Chermside, Sherwood, Coomera (Seasonal), Southport, Gladstone, Southport Park (Mall), Goodna, Stones Corner, Grand Plaza, Taigum, Grand Plaza (Mall), The Pines, Hervey Bay, Toombul, Hervey Bay (Mall), Townsville, Inala Town Centre (Mall), Tweed Centro (Mall), Ipswich, Warner, Kin Kora (Mall), Wynnum Plaza, Kirwan, Bundaberg Mall, Yarrabilba, Logan Central, Yeppoon (Mall)
Can I combine Privilege Plus Loyalty benefits with other offers or promotions?
Privilege Plus Loyalty benefits are generally exclusive and may not be combined with other promotional offers, unless stated otherwise. We encourage members to inquire about specific terms and conditions when redeeming their benefits.
Are all tax returns discounted with my Privilege+ discount?
No, the following is a list of tax returns which receive the discount:• Individual tax returns/ Sole trader• Franking credit tax returns
What are the benefits of moving up to a higher tier in the Privilege Plus Loyalty program?
Moving up to a higher tier unlocks additional benefits and privileges, such as increased discounts on tax preparation fees, priority access to appointments during busy periods, exclusive invitations to events or workshops, and personalized service enhancements.
What are the benefits of being a Privilege Plus Loyalty member?
Privilege Plus Loyalty members enjoy a range of benefits, including discounted tax preparation fees, special offers on additional services, priority booking during peak periods, and exclusive promotions throughout the year.
Need to know the specifics?